I have found since I started this journal that I have periods of time that are like writters block. There are many times I find myself thinking about what I would like to write and often construct it in my mind before putting it downin the journal. Other times the simple complications of living with Autism restrict me from taking the time to write OR I am confused about what is happening and I am not sure I want to write until I unravel the "puzzle".
I haven't made and entry since New Years Eve and to speak the truth I was in the middle of what I would consider a crisis. Although I am confident that there are still rough roads ahead I feel like I may have a handle on what is happening.
Since before Christmas, Dakota has been having some pretty severe behaviors. Not very often but very intense and different than most in the past. I believe that it is "spawned" from the hormonal surge of puberty finally passing and him entering into full adulthood coupled with the crappy inability to not express his feelings and congnitive abilty to feel the emotion but not know how or why he is feeling these emotions.
Additionally he is still in deep depression from having to leave school. He continues to dwell and express sadness that he can no longer go to school. He just doesnt care that the kids are younger and the natural passage of rights is to graduate and move on or up. The irony is that up until now he seemed totally OK being by himself and that friends really were not a requirment for him. Natures cruel joke is he has developed this "typical" emotion and need ---- and of all times when he no loger ha a daily exposure to kids his own age.
These behaviors have been overwhelming for me as I have always felt like I had ideas or "tools in my tool belt" to deal with or handle these outbursts; Not this time. I have been shut down and baffled. For the record I still dont feel I have figured it out yet but I feel like I am starting to decifer the situation.
Well there is no apology for beiing absent the past month only an explanantion.
I have read several threads on web groups which have given me ideas for excerpts which I will strat writing about very soon.
For now Those of you whjo do read thank you for being interested enough to keep reading and I hope this year I may have more insights that can help you understand your situation.
Cindy, I was wondering what types of activities do they or you have Dakota involved in now that he's out of school? Does Inland Regional still offer services for him or does he go through Adult ED or rehabservice? What kinds of things or activities can I help my families prepare for? While most of my students are not as sever as Dakota's situation, I do have some who I can see struggling when they get out of the school environment. What is his routine like now as appose to before?
This is part of the problem-- As you well know with our budget situation one third of my plan for Dakota after school was stripped away and I am in fair hearing over it all---
What I can say is encourage your parents to anticipate virtually nothing available after school ends---
What I am try to avaoid is to isolate him in a day program where he is NOT out in the community.
ROP also has steramlines their support and it is very narrow in its abilty to help.
I think preservation of friends and their families is incredibly important as well as organizing support for not only our kids but for us.
One thing I have taken full advantage of is volunteer situations --like the Rose Parade or Habitat for Humanity or USO which gets out kids out with exposure to the "rypical community"
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