This madness continues---
Rage over what I cannot figure out. I have educated guesses but I cannot get him to tell me what is causing him pain and/or sorrow because during the course of his rant he explodes into tears. It drains me emotionally . As a parent you want so badly to "fix" the problem or find the solution.
We have recently seen the doctor. Its one of those moments where the doctor wants to shrug his shoulders and basically pass it off as "the nature of the beast" Everything in me says theres something specifically wrong. When you deal with an emotional disturbance or a neurological issue; where do you start ??
And when you have no input how can I fix it or even present a case to any professional. I am exhausted as I have no solution and seemingly no tools in my tool belt to help the situation.
Tonight my guess is that the TVschedule is in flux with all the Night time talk show wars and the Olympics on top of it--- he just cannot digest the change. He is so ridgid in some aspects of his life.
Moreover my "educated" guess from my "on the job" training is that this is passage from the puberty to full adulthood and the hormones are even stronger than before. I may be totally wrong. It seems like the only correct assumption I can come up with. Believe me I dont have anything in my belt for that!
I will give it a little longer but if things dont even out I will hit the war-path. I will not rest . This is not like any behavior or action I have seen from my boy to date. I know him well enough that something is not right and again Hormones is my only guess.
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