Words to live by---

These 3 things remain true to the "Journey of Autism". Anyone or everyone can advise you;

ULTIMATELY you MUST go with what you feel is right. "GO WITH YOUR GUT."

Once you have arrived at this decision; "NEVER GIVE UP"!

LASTLY "Ya Gotta do, what Ya Gotta do!"

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Disney "The Tragic Kingdom" or " The Crappiest Place on Earth"

I have been meaning to post about Disneyland or should I say Disney "INC?" And how they have taken a huge step backwards in providing "magic" for ALL of their guests. I will give it to you Disney proceeds as if they are the end all, be all of entertainment providing "undeniable" top shelf entertainment for families...all along harboring one of the worst quietly enacted segregationist policies on the face of the planet...

For as long as I can remember Disneyland provided a Guest Assistance Pass for  disabled individuals  that was BAR NONE the best across the industry. Many of us frankly quit going to many other amusement parks simply because of Disneys Policies of inclusion and accommodation....contrary to what many believe was a cut the line ...go,immediately to the front privilege..it was in reality an alternate entrance holding area (for most) and blending you into the line type of service ..I will admit it was in some cases a bit faster than the typical ques or a fast pass but it simply was not jump to the front of the line as many perceive it to be,as well as many in the media report it to be...

On October 9 Disney changed this pass for a new Disability Assistance card??Which is problematic to say the least ?? The  new process is a nightmare and IMHO discriminatory. What was once a privilege and probably the one thing that most parents of kids like Dakota were thankful for, has become the elephant in the room.What I think, is perhaps Disney was trying to achieve .... is to curtail the attendance of people with disabilities instead of doing what their PR department claims : which is to address those who were abusing or cheating ! 

Disney received bad press around March,about idiots who were hiring disabled
individuals to go to Disneyland simply to obtain faster access to rides by using the Guest Assistance pass  ..... The knee jerk reaction of the "big wigs " in the Disney Corporate offices was to fix it and fix it fast....OH THEY DID THAT ALRIGHT! 

The new Disability Assistance card it mired with flaws , and simply not well thought out  or tested. Disney is claims they consulted certain organizations that should be helpful for making this a positive experience, but the fact is the organizations do not have a clue as to the mechanics of navigating Disneyland with a disabled individual.

The new procedure requires you to go thru a check I process at City hall which is about 
twice as long as it used to be??that I can live with  BUT; Then the fun begins..they have  placed 3 kiosks in the park where you are required to "reserve a time, for ONE RIDE AT  
A TIME...you cannot get a time for the next ride until you have had the previous ride crossed  off. What this means is you don't even have the luxury or flexibility of a fast pass where you can go thru the park and accumulate different times to ride numerous rides. AS if there isn't enough walking around just to get through the park you must make numerous trips back to the kiosks simply to have the privilege of utilizing handicap access... Essentially what this means is the people and parents and families who need these accommodations must lug there children Back and forth to 1 of 3 kiosks for EACH RIDE...That may not sound like much to many but if you envision these families who have kids who are on oxygen (with portable tanks),feeding tubes, wheelchairs and specialized strollers with all kinds of equipment and medically necessary stuff , back packs full of medicine or specialized food , suctions or other instruments ....only too get a response from a cast member that YOU MUST WAIT FOR YOUR APPOINTED REPORT  TIME, ride the ride , then have to walk back to a kiosk only get a new time for another ride which can't  boarded for another hour SO you can have your family watch a parade or go get something to eat  in the meantime...perhaps this sounds OK to those who don't have children on the spectrum or kid with other disabilities as well but those of us who live with this every day know this is just an abomination...Disney has ruined what was one of the brightest lights for our kids...

Finally the saddest part of this story is there have been a couple of organizations who have tried repeatedly to contact Disney to try to get them to listen but they have been silent in response ....40,000 signatures were collected and presented after 3 weeks of calls to the Corporate office and still no progress or even a hint of consideration ...

Look I don't want this to come off as someone who feel entitled or is just bitching what I want is to continue to educate and inform people including those who don't livewithin-the  parameters of "my world" to an In Justice that really can affect everyone ....this is it... If you have any inclination to speak out:  Mark Jones director of Services for  Guests with Disbailities   And  Betty Appleton Risk management at Corporate head quarters  on Buena Vista  Street.  Burbank are the ones who should be contacted ??Also Thomas O Staggs is  Director of Disney Resorts and Parks..and the biggest Kahuna of the all is Robert Iger CEO of Disney corp...all at the 500 s. Buena Vista a Street, Burbank California.  

I have written a coupls of letter San emails as well as many others and it hasn't made a different yet but I hope to continue this cause ..keep it in the fore front and hopefully help change this process that is so devastingto our kids...

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Idea for possible contact with local police

There have bee a couple "brushes with the law"over the course of the past few years and finally I concocted a plan that I HOPE will help if and when there's another interaction with the local police....

Several years ago perhaps 3 or so I had taken Grandma  to a lab for a blood draw , to a place we had all gone many times before...of course this particular time was Leiden with changes ..more crowded, different time than normal, AND the lab had just been "rearranged" ..chairs I a different pattern.  Things on the walls different or missing, I think new paint and new carpet...so we walk in everything's ok for the first 10 minutes then Dakota starts to pick at grandma and the more she reacts the more he escalated...then there was an old man (sorry I am old too ) but he was with his wife who was noticeably ill perhaps cancer ..think she had a snood on and I could tell he was not happy with Dakota . I did what I could but quickly realized I had to get him out of there most especially because this guy was growing increasingly agitated as well...I was afraid he might try to grab Dak and then it would be a real mess....we got outside and before I could get him into the car he started yelling and pushing me and had decided he was not going to get into the car???finally I manhandled him into the car and left the parking lot ..I got no furtherhan the main intersection and what to wondering eyes should appear ????not sant but a motorcycle cop who threw the lights on and I pulled onto the nearest parking lot ..so if Dakota would flee at least he wasn't on the street....the policeman was very nice and he just wanted to know if everything was ok  that they had got a call about the ruckus ....I explained the situation and he said no problem, he looked at Dakota and said a few words and left....

Flash to about a year and half ago Dak was visiting his dad overnight and his dad was making plans to go out to dinner with people Dakota didn't know and he decided he wasn't having any of it and ran out of the house and threw himself on the front lawn screaming and yelling..Well guess the neighbors weren't having any of it so they called the police....when they showed up they separated the. And "attempted" to talk to Dakota ???they also quickly knew this was above their "pay grade" and left...

My head starts grinding the motor to figure out what I can do ...there are so many 
instances of police not taking a disability into consideration and the lack of information readily available to them when they arrive at a "scene".....so I took to the computer and wrote a brief 2 page discriptor about Dakota,his behaviors,his abilities and what to expect when encountering him I put a current picture and a copy of his State I.D. ; made several copies and took them to the police departments in both cities that his dad and I live in...asked for the communications director and explained  what had happened and that I am trying to be proactive in the case of another incident ???I also took a few to some neighboring cities as well like where the mall is that he goes with a coach and city where a movie theateris that he goes to ...everywhere I went the info was well received and I hope that it didn't go into the trash and was filed like they said they would...look this isn't perfect but at least it is a step ...a step to at least say I tried to give you so maybe there won't be someone who doesn't know what they are encountering...it just an idea and there are probably 100's of ways ..this is just what I did...maybe it can give you ideas of what might work for you and yours!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Not sure what you would call it!

I don't write about this very much mostly because it is often misunderstood or misinterpreted...although I know that anyone who lives with this disorder experiences the same thing..
Not sure what you would call it ; but it is an accumulation of overwhelming feelings, emotions, loss of control, depression, frustration, glimmers of hope fading to desperation and any other descriptor that enters your mind when you have just had about all you think you can tolerate...

The good thing is it doesn't last forever it is merely a phase that comes and goes as the autism infiltrates you life and lives around you...you have as many glorious, indescribable,happy moments too...

It truly is a roller coaster and I am sure this is not the only disorder or disability that has this effect on the people who live through it.

The big differences I have observed is how the most minute accomplishment can send chills through your bones like no one can understand ....for instance when our kids finally say a word or learn to tie their shoes and are 8 or 10 or 20  and a typical kid it's no big deal...but when our kid throws themselves down on the floor in the store it is different than if he was a typical kid and it affects us differently...there's an embarrassment or need to explain AND "a good spanking "or "timeout"not a viable option in our world!!!

I don't know if this post will help anyone. What I will say is that sometimes just writing about it helps me release the torrid thoughts  and frustration that overwhelms me! I know those who just visit and read one or two excerpts probably won't get much from this ; hopefully someone who is struggling like me right now will read and feel like they have found someone who understands ....whatever you want to call this!