Words to live by---

These 3 things remain true to the "Journey of Autism". Anyone or everyone can advise you;

ULTIMATELY you MUST go with what you feel is right. "GO WITH YOUR GUT."

Once you have arrived at this decision; "NEVER GIVE UP"!

LASTLY "Ya Gotta do, what Ya Gotta do!"

Thursday, August 18, 2005



I hosted our first picnic/potluck this past weekend In case you havent read before I have this vision for a Center for Autism  to intially start in the Inland Empire. It would consist of any and all services for anyone seeling help or asistance. I have my vision posted on a past exerpt  . This picnic was a "lets get started and  see what kind of interest is out there" type of get -to-gether. There were about 30 adults and a bunch of kids. there were 3 proffessors from 3 different colleges and 3 professionals who have holistic and vitamin supplement businesses. Although i would have liked a stronger attendance i continue to be encouraged as i have had several emails since the picnic with more families expressing interest and involvement for the next meeting which will be toward the end of september.

i had a questionaire for families to fill out and i talked about my ideas and things that we will need to get started --my commitment before the next meeting is to get answers about the 501 non profit status  and seeking a permenent  place and more funding ideas plus trying to get a "board or streering committee" formed.

i will be doing a few smaller meet and greet meetings with a few that were not able to attend the picnic -most of which are out of the immediate area like orange county and the high desert--

As for the picnic  we all had a great time and it was rather casual and relaxed lots of good  company , good food and great weather                                                                      Anyone who has any inquiries , questions or would like more information or a small meeting to find out about my dream and reality for all families can email me at              daksopendoor@aol.com

Thanks for viewing  my journal!  

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