Words to live by---

These 3 things remain true to the "Journey of Autism". Anyone or everyone can advise you;

ULTIMATELY you MUST go with what you feel is right. "GO WITH YOUR GUT."

Once you have arrived at this decision; "NEVER GIVE UP"!

LASTLY "Ya Gotta do, what Ya Gotta do!"

Monday, August 29, 2005


k at the risk of upsetting a few of you i have just a little different take on the controversy over the sad death of this little boy---
once again i commend all of you who are more than diligent about exploring and offering any and all therapies that may give our kids a better quality of life-- and as for people using this news as a way to discourage or prevent any of us from doing what we decide is best for our kids is bull-pucky
i think what i am saying is: that is why our country is so great because it provides for our personal freedom to choose
and we all have to be vigilant in preserving those rights

i just have such a sick feeling in my heart because we are all searching for what works for our family and it does turn to desperation whether we want to admit it or not---
sometimes the time that we think is running out actually becomes the true test because those things that we arent sure about will be proven or fail
so please dont beat yourselves up-- believe that what you choose to do is right. my son is 18 and i cant even begin to tell you how many different soutions,therapies or cures have some down the pike in the time i have been dealing with autism and most of them have gone by the wayside. one thing i am fairly sure of {i might have said this before but i think it bears repeating} is even if there is a CURE tommorrow for autism those who are already afflicted will probably have to live the rest of their lives with autism. perhaps more easily with the therapies we are now discovering but the bottom line is we dont know if these therapies will be permenent or only work for awhile or  will be a regiment that has to be done for the rest of their lives. keep perservering but remember that quality of life is just as important and our kids deserve to be happy and kids and to be as typical as they can be and sometimes instead of being hauled from one doctor or another or to one therpay or another sometimes they might just need you to be with them and play with them and be autistic once in awhile.
unfortunately we are all in a hurry-- and its just not going to be a pill to fix this
just like we cant fix society accepting our kids
i wish all of you the best with your path and hope that there will come a day when there ont be a need for an autism support group.
i love you all and what you do

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