Words to live by---

These 3 things remain true to the "Journey of Autism". Anyone or everyone can advise you;

ULTIMATELY you MUST go with what you feel is right. "GO WITH YOUR GUT."

Once you have arrived at this decision; "NEVER GIVE UP"!

LASTLY "Ya Gotta do, what Ya Gotta do!"

Friday, June 17, 2011

Could Autism be a part of evolution?

Someone recently posted a question what do you think causes Autism--- I have over thought this but I posted this about Malathion:
IMHO I have come to the conclusion that AUTISM is biological but there are environmental triggers--- My personal take is Malathion was to blame for my sons Autism-- that may not be the case for others--- Before I had my son, everyone I knew was using Malathion for there gardens and houseplants ; hell even the state of California and Massachusetts sprayed over cities to eradicate mosquitos-- they told you to cover you cars because it would eat the paint but never worried about us breathing it-- Then later on I found out it was actually developed in Natzi Germany as a nerve gas in the concentration camps--OMG WTF???????

It makes perfect sense to me; a chemical we were told was safe for gardens and breathing turns out to be a chemical that attacks the NEVOUS SYSTEM OF THE PESTS YOU ARE TRYING TO GET RID OF--{and is it not the nevous system on our kids that is affected the most?}
years later we have a huge increase of numbers in Autism cases directly in correspondence with the time this crap was released into the air!
OK I will step off my soap box

All of that being said the whether its vaccines, allergies or common chemicals there are just some of us that can tolerate it and other who cant-- and those are the ones who develop Autism.
I have another theory but it is so far fetched that I will keep it to myself -- {It goes along the line of evolution of our society}
I don't want people to think I am really off my rocker-- I have "over thought" this topic. Sometimes I convince myself I am crazy.

Then a mom wrote me and asked if I would tell her about my theory so I gave in --and wrote this:
my theory--
I my mind; I can see how Autism could be an evolutionary reaction to our society--Bear with me-- There has been many animals and species of animals that have changed and adapted as their environment changes. Some animals coats develop spots or colors to camouflage them in the wild, birds get larger wings or eyes that work better in the dark depending on their needs to survive. Even early man had wider and broader feet and a prominent upper brow all to deal with the elements of winter-to protect him from the snow. Our society has evolved from human beings seeking social interaction and involvement to isolation and mechanization.At one point people lived with family units that included aunts and uncles, grandparents and extended family. Often times because they had farms and needs for the people to support the household. Also many ethnicities have common practice among their families to live and support the family as a whole. America, in particular, since the 50's we have "progressed " by fragmenting the family and people in general. Business and corporations had neighborhood offices so you worked and lived in the same community now every thing is centralized in to one big office --forcing many to commute or even relocate. When you call anywhere any more you get automated systems that do not have a live body anywhere to talk too, Banking has resulted into ATMS and online services so you dont need to see a teller much less even go to the bank anymore-- hell you can even order groceries on the Internet and have them delivered. Everyone lives in their own POD they go to work, they come, home they isolate themselves --NO body even knows their neighbors. We are slowly evolving into a NON society--- and we wonder why our Autistic kids are missing the "Social chip"??? My theory, as far fetched as it seems, is that out kids are the 'Proto type of the future'. That some how human beings are evolving into a different creature than 100 years ago and our kids are actually the trend setters---THAT IS NOT TO SAY THAT THEY ARE DOING THIS conscientiously; what I am saying is that I see that our kids could be what all of us will eventually become--- that our society is shutting down we are withdrawing and social interaction will eventually become a thing of the past.

Ok that's is a stripped down version and it is easier when you are having a conversation about this topic but again I know that I am probably one of a few that may have even gone this far -- BUT I own this theory and I believe it could be somewhat similar to what is actually an explanation as to why Autism is exploding and not diminishing---

Its out there and probaly not a popular idea but I said it and I own it--I will leave it at that

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