this excerpt was generated from"a go around " i have already had this morning with the Inland Regional Center---sparring the particulars I felt it necessary to comment on the importance of never giving up!
Does it ever end???"One" wonders how much "one" can take before you finally blow up!
Many of us face difficult challenges every day not just with the Autistic Community but life in general. Whether it is cancer, an addiction, abuse, or some other life altering event; it can be overwhelming. For myself and I assume for many others we always hold out hope that eventually somethings gotta give, there will be a reprieve or perhaps a
"Happily Ever After!" NOT!
Some are fortunate to go through an experience and come out the other side with a little more insight and wisdom. Some go through life never living anything other than an "Ozzie and Harriet" life. Then there are the rest of us-- who for some reason have been chosen to face this crappy stuff over and over again till the end of time. It is a battlefield. It is why many repeat over and over again "choose your battles". You never know if you slay this dragon another is just around the corner and its 10 times as bad as the first one.
Metaphorically I speak about the obstacles most all of us face caring for some one with special needs . I don't mean to be exclusionary that is why I acknowledged others above.
But this where I just become indignant. Over and Over from the time your baby is born it is a fight. First its the Medical Profession and all they insist is wrong or NOT wrong with your child--then when you can almost agree that you need special things for you child --here comes the School districts and what a pain in the ass that is--- day after day, month after month, year after year you watch dog the class ,the aides , the teachers , the school trying to make a difference in your kids life. Every time you turn around its something else. The IEP is not being enforced, your child is being excluded, hes not getting services promised, there's a budget cut, someone is absent {like the teacher and then the whole day is a wash}, the bus was late or tried to drop them off at the wrong address, other kids are picking on ours and NO ONE is coming to their defense; the list goes on and on AND it never stops!
Then one day they are ready to give your child a Certificate of Completion {never really teaching them much} and send them on their way. Its as if they fall of the edge of a table-- the supports and opportunities become minuscule. But you think "Oh the worst is behind us!" OH NO then you have to fight again with what little services are available through the Regional Center. Again you are jumping through hoops just to get a little of what your child needs and deserves to exist in his community.
I am loathed to say this but "It is an Never-ending Battle" Every fight is another chink in the armour. You cannot give up. You must persevere. You must be Relentless. Sometimes you will find yourself limp and lifeless and wondering if it is all worth it. Trust me IT IS!
For every battle you engage in you have made your child's world a little bit better. You have brought light to a corner that was dark before and perhaps along the way you have also taught another person a little bit more about your child and the world he and many many others live EVERY DAY OF THEIR LIVES!
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