Where do I begin ?
I have such mixed emotions about this post -- One of my biggest pet-peeves are people who are judgemental -- I think that it comea with the territory --being a mom of an challenged child.
I am finding myself to be a bit judgemental in this case and it is eating at me. Let me explain.As i have written about this topic before there is so very little for our children once they exit high school. It is as if they have fallen off the radar.
There are several organizations and places who provide programs, work and social activities for the developmentally disabled; however this is a broad term which encompasses a wide array of challenges from downs syndrome to schitzophrenia --from autism to mental retardation and everything in between.
The quandary is this; in programs that are out there, I do not feel these are an appropriate placement for Dakota or most autistic individuals.
I guess this is where the Judgemental attitude slips in--- Look I know my son has significant challenges and definitely a need for adaptation in every phase of his life BUT it seems as if the mind-set of the public or even most of those who create and provide these programs is that every disabled child fits into their project. It is just not true. Our kids for the most part are square pegs and their programs are round holes!
I recognize my son is disabled and I love so many of the individuals who are in these programs but it is NOT where he belongs. Hence the hypocrisy!
Dakota just completed a 4 day work assessment at one of these programs.
4 different people working with him four different days and compiling a report of his ability.It was an interesting project and it will be helpful to have observations from people who are a blank slate when it comes to knowing Dakota. But I just cannot agree that this is the type of place he should be.
The program is trying to encourage myslef as well as Dakota to consider coming back and continuing.I appreciate the interest and enthusiasm. I appreciate what they do BUT I will not place Dakota in a "warehouse" away from the public eye with many people who are so much more severely impaired than he is for the rest of his days JUST BECAUSE others have decided that its OK for their kids.
So I press on -- we will be heading on to another assessment next month that is geared specifically to Autistic individuals.This will probably be a more complex picture of Dakotas abilities and shortcomings. This should allow us to create and mold work and social activities which will suit him better.
For now I struggle with my judgement and demons! And continue to look for the perfect mix of all things to make Dakotas stay on this earth one that will make him happy and content.
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