Well I have finally settled in to Dakota being back at school -- So I suppose I can write about what happened--Just yesterday I found out that there is some "talk" throughout the District that I am the crazy woman who spent thousands of dollars just get her son back in school for a few weeks----YOU ARE D A M N R I G H T !
Many have the opinion that when I recieved the letter that Dakota had "aged out" I should have just said OK and take my marbles and go home.I have been dealing with my sons "education" {or lack of it} since he was 3 and I have been the nice guy going along with the "experts and professionals" and their recommendations of what is right for Dakota and it has gotten us a "Certificate of Completion". {BIG WHOOP}
For years I fought and fought to make school what is was supposed to be and everytime I got 2 steps ahead by the time class conviened I was 2 steps behind. I tried to play nice, I tried to listen to their crap about what was best for Dakota and all along they were just doing what they were required to do-- No More.
Soooooooo I did decide to fight this WHY? because it what was PROMISED to Dakota . It what was what he had heard for several years and it was what he knew to be "the plan". Ms. DeDe Moga- Director of Special Education for Chaffey Joint Union High School District- insists it is what I want not what Dakota wants and she fought me every step of the way. Even till the last meeting she stood her ground to insist that this was "Mom" not Dakota that wanted this. A G A I N Someone who has NO CLUE about AUTISM. Its not about what I want or even what Dakota wants it what his disorder requires for a smooth transition from a life changing experience like leaving high school. The routine, schedule and plan is the one thing that makes sense to our kids and it was about completing a task. In simple terms when Dakota works on a computer he is not finished until he exits the program,emptys the trash can,ejects the cd-rom,puts the cd in the pearl case,turns off the computer, and scoots the chair under the desk--- it is the "complete job" and anyone who really knows Autism knows this.
So heres the scoop ----In past postings I wrote about what transpired so I will condense this version: July 31 st we got the notice for Dakota not to return to school; from August 1 thru the 20 I tried with several calls to fix this to no avail. August 21 they held what they called an EXIT IEP although all the time they told me it was a meeting to try to resolve the matter--HA HA {should have known better} ! Came away from that meeting being totally shut down not heard no even allowed to present any evidence or arguments why they should reconsider. Went to the Superintendent Mathew Holton was shuffled off to the Assistant Superintendent Bill Bertran who listen and led me to believe they were considering my request only to be shut down again {I should have known}; Tried filing Due Process and Motion for Stay Put on my own only to find it to be incredibily difficult and overwhelming and way out of my expertise and ability-- so I hired and Attorney-- Edwin Egelsee. It was the best decision I could have made even tho it was way out of my monetary abilty. There is no doubt that this is the reason Dakota is BACK IN SCHOOL.
He filed the same documents on Dakotas behalf and at our first mediation meeting we were able to settle . Reluctantly I believe the Chaffey Joint Union High School should have been responsible for more than they ended up with but the most important thing was get Dakota back in school where he believed he should be---I was forced to give up his One on One Aide and my per diem for transportation BUT the most important thing was to get him back in the class he knew he was supposed to be.
Barring all the gorey details we went back and forth for a couple of hours and again Ms. Moga was hell-bent not to let Dakota return to his old classroom but in the end having to give up all that I did , I still achieved my intial goal! The meeting was held on Monday and Tuesday he was back in class.
Theres an old saying --" I will not ever start a fight But I will finish it!"
This is the moral of my story-- It what was right for Dakotas disability. Many who know about this may think that I am nuts and that I fought for very little. That I spent to much time, effort and money. What I say to those people is walk a mile in my shoes, travel the journey of Autism with your child and then make that judgement.
The bigger lesson is this My education taught me to Dream and Never Give up on my goals. It may not always turn out exactly as you expected and not always as it should be but if you have a sense of accomplishment and you did your best then its one to put in the "WIN" column.
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