I have been writing now for about 2 years and although I should add more entries on a regular basis I find all kinds of road blocks and excuses-- For that I am sorry--I am also sorry that the journal has reached a place where it is time consuming to check if I have written about a certain subject so I will apologize be for hand if I repeat a subject I have already reflected on!
Today the topic that came to mind was shoes-- now there has been very little with my son on the topic of shoes over the years however now more than ever it has become a strategic part of the preparation to leave the house. What I mean by that is that for about the last 2 or 3 years; It has become abundantly clear that the shoes DO NOT go on the feet until the very last second before leaving the house--
Chock it off to Anxiety or whatever you want but to Dakota when the shoes go on, the front door opens.Its time to go! As a caregiver having to dress and groom 2 people when preparing for an outing timing is everything and as I get on in years that mid-life crisis rears its ugly head and adds an extra challenge to the mix. What I have discovered is that I cannot prepare myself first because by the time I finish chasing him around the house with a shower and a shave all the necessary grooming items and then the clothes I am a disaster and have to start all over anyway
So I consider myself rather cleaver in that I split the difference by doing him half way then me--- dress him BUT NEVER apply the shoes or hes out the door pacing either by the car or up and down the side walk waiting as patiently as he can for me to finish dressing and eagerly waiting for that moment when I walk out with cell phone and keys in hand.
Not sure if anyone has experienced quite the same thing == I just found it to be another testiment to the peculiar workings of an Autistic mind. That the Anxiety driven part of our kids have ques that tell them when to go and when to stay and it translates into very strange things that the "typical" person may not recognize.
The one thing I want more than anything; is this journal to help suggestthat what we see or struggle with in our kids may have reason that we cannot see and to just take a moment or an extra bit of time to analyze what is happening and why. Perhaps you may never really know the cause but you can always try to adapt from what you see or feel in your gut. It just may eliminate extra stress or you and moreimportantly your child!
So in a matter of speaking;
Dont put on the shoes till your ready to walk through the door!
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