Words to live by---

These 3 things remain true to the "Journey of Autism". Anyone or everyone can advise you;

ULTIMATELY you MUST go with what you feel is right. "GO WITH YOUR GUT."

Once you have arrived at this decision; "NEVER GIVE UP"!

LASTLY "Ya Gotta do, what Ya Gotta do!"

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Journal of many Purposes

Another thought that passed through my head in the last few hours --which I decided was worth posting was this: My initial purpose was to reach out to others caring and living with Autism. To help them perhaps see their child in a different way or to provoke thought about the child's behavior in a different way . As the journal grows its needs and purposes grow--

I believe every caregiver has this thought :What happens once I am not around anymore to care for my "baby"-- Who will do this , How do I know they will take care of him the right way, how will they know about his personality or his schedule or his idiosyncrasies, and most importantly will they take care of my baby the way he deserves to be taken care of without abuse or neglect????

Those are all BIG questions -- Its hard to admit that your own mind goes to some very dark places and you are reluctant to even admit you think "those thoughts"

An exercise that was an assignment when we first started Cal State San Bernardino's UCDD { University Center for Developmental Disabilities} was to collect and notates life for your child as if tomorrow you were NOT there-----personal info like address, siblings and people who knew your child;medical info doctors names and addresses medications and dosage perhaps the manner in which you administer the meds like if you need to put it in applesauce to get them to take the 'script: routines-- bed and sleeping habits. school and extra curricular activities,eating and eating rituals,grooming and grooming strategies ; and any other info you think that someone would or cold need to help your child get on with his day IF YOU WERE NOT THERE---An Operational Manual if you will.

I made a notebook way before computers were around that was quite extensive and impressive to most who saw it -- of course it was a bit over the top but it even had a section about Special Details -- like the fact that Dakota still to this day cannot swallow a pill and chews the ones he is given and he has NO concept how to blow is nose-- strange as it may seem SOMEONE may need to know that if I am not around.

Thinking about this journal and the volumous notebook I made so many years ago it dawned on me that I could actually update things that have changed or not, by utilizing this journal--So that the people entrust to his care know that the book is there from many years gone by but they have the journal to refer to to see if certain things they need to address can be answered even after I am gone---

The simple fact is; more likely than not our kids will hopefully outlive us and have great lives even once we are gone and truthfully many have said to me that when that time comes it wont matter to me because I will no longer be on this "plane" with him---Some how I know in my heart that I will always encircle and encase him with my love and guidance and this journal is one more way to leave little clues How To Take Care of My Baby.

as a post script: although most of us are lucky enough to have the use of a computer you can also document with something as simple as paper and pen and a notebook or folder to hold it all together-- whatever the method consider the challenge!

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