Words to live by---

These 3 things remain true to the "Journey of Autism". Anyone or everyone can advise you;

ULTIMATELY you MUST go with what you feel is right. "GO WITH YOUR GUT."

Once you have arrived at this decision; "NEVER GIVE UP"!

LASTLY "Ya Gotta do, what Ya Gotta do!"

Thursday, June 30, 2005


Yes my Dakota also get stuck on things and repeats a lot. Also echoes when he hears from others  as he has gotten older he seems to be more aware of it and i continuously let him know that  I hear him and that he doesn't need to repeat it but i have to tell you his dad took him to the Aviator  with Leonardo de Caprio and when he saw him as Howard Hughes and he is saying "get me the blueprints" over and over its like all of a sudden he kinda  gets it---so cruel as it sounds when he goes off on a tangent and I cant get thru to him I look him in the eye and say "get me the blueprints" over and over and about the 3 rd time he says ok momma  don't say that anymore!  and then he stops!!! its truly weird how our kids live and learn  through media!!!!! I was really opposed to Dakota watching so much TV at first but when I realized that it could teach him better than I could in some ways I started using it as a tool and springboard to talk to him and teach him certain things. We started with a huge amount of PBS still to this day he watches Mr. Rogers  Cyber chase and Zoom all the time Now he is a reality TV  junkie and he gets it!! The Apprentice he totally understands the tasks and the fact that they will get fired if they don't do well. we watch it all Big Brother, Survivor, Fear Factor, The Cut,The Bachelor, Extreme Makeover- home edition, Dancing with the Stars I mean  we are true junkies then he watches game shows Shop till you Drop,  Millionaire, Jeopardy etc. Every time I use what ever the subject is to yak at him about context. God can I yak-------  it is pretty successful for him.  I read some where that the reason Autistics take to computers is because it is a safe reliable teacher that gives them the same answer every time and humans don't.  So I think its the same with the TV and the shows  they always do things the same way and have the same rules--So he learns!!!!  

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