Words to live by---

These 3 things remain true to the "Journey of Autism". Anyone or everyone can advise you;

ULTIMATELY you MUST go with what you feel is right. "GO WITH YOUR GUT."

Once you have arrived at this decision; "NEVER GIVE UP"!

LASTLY "Ya Gotta do, what Ya Gotta do!"

Monday, December 8, 2014

Ramblings about the diagnosis....

From the time of Dakotas birth we always knew we would have "mountains to climb"...This was not a typical birth and a baby/ infant that came home and developed like everybody else's kid...

When you first enter into the world of Autism you get certain repetitious facts ..1 being that usually or most cases of the onset of autism occur between 18 - 36 months . the child usually has an uneventful birth,they come home and seem to be as any other child and something triggers them and they start a reversal process of loosing what they already attained...they are walking, talking,eating and growing and all of a sudden it comes to a screeching halt...Most specifically the obvious sign is loosing language and social skills are "the tells".
Dakota was different as there was a traumatic birth and many complications , so it was apparent from the first day  there would be challenges. never knew at that point that Autism would be part of the mix.

Getting a diagnosis WAS and STILL IS......difficult because of the "spectrum".  Most individuals with a disorder or disability have similar traits . With autism the saying is if you have met an Autistic person ; you have only met one Autistic person...the deficits, behaviors, level of functionality and other issues are so diverse they are very rarely identical in persons who are Autistic.Thats not to say,that especially someone who lives or cares for an individual cannot spot another autistic individual  a  MILE AWAY....but it is that they are so peculiar and usually out of place when it comes to a social or communal situation and the rest of us "typically functioning" people would react similarly....it's easy to spot the "behavior" 

Having  said that it is quiet another thing to get a diagnosis because of the same reasons.
 In our particular case  Dakota was observed and reviewed by Inland Regional Center at 
the age of 3 and we were told OH No he's not autistic because he's too social. He makes eye contact..what wasn't considered was that he had intensive  Occupational and Physical Therapy from 6 weeks ..so he was doing a lot of things that were not described on the DSM IV...so they labeled him  mildly to moderately mentally retarded...AND to this day I am still fighting them about this DX....
At age 7  finally after being on a waitlist for 2 years we were able to go to the Diagnostic Center at Cal State LA..for a week long probative observation which at the end they assemble all the individuals and their reports together  for a roundtable and discussion on their recommendations for the individual and they submitt these to the school district and the other supporting ..agencies
We got the Autism DX there...first day , first appointment with the medical Doctor..Joanne Weigel..I was relieve and really thought this was going to be a GOD send......NOT. Essentially it's is a great place and their work is great  up unfortunately  the School Districts didn't care and didn't apt attention to any if not all of the recommendations. Very frustrating. I have carried on and I did the best I could to fight for Dakota to get him the 
best opportunities. BUT it was always 2 steps forward 1 1/2 steps back...I do believe that it's a little better now. Since more and more kids are coming with a DX . In the 80's it was crap...

People mis judge, assume and under estimate our kids...they are labeled with all kinds of  I abilities and certainly a majority of people including many professional do not realize their intelligence..it's quite sad. Just today Dakota was looking at the TV guide on his iPad and he was watching CSI ethereal was a drop down box with a reference to one of the stars leaving the series at the end if this season???he turned to me and read "Exclusive..George Eades leaving CSI rafter this season " then He began to read the article. I am sorry he is NOT mentally referred if he can read that article and pronounce all!the words correctly....yet some YAHOO named Bob Chang "labeled him "25 years ago and IRC clings on to that DX....

I have for the past 4 to 5 years been pressing them to change this DX and they refuse? So 
now we have to go and have a complete re evaluation....I am not afraid of it but I think it is a complete utter waste of time and money that the State will be spending on something they paid for years ago,when we went to the Diagnostic center.

We as parents don't need the DX but unfortunately everyone else does..guess that why it becomes important for us!

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