Words to live by---

These 3 things remain true to the "Journey of Autism". Anyone or everyone can advise you;

ULTIMATELY you MUST go with what you feel is right. "GO WITH YOUR GUT."

Once you have arrived at this decision; "NEVER GIVE UP"!

LASTLY "Ya Gotta do, what Ya Gotta do!"

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sleeping.... continued

Well still having trouble with the "machine " but will try to wrap this up....
I know we have to adjust all habits according to our own lives and I know I have been fortunate to indulge Dakota particularly when it comes to sleep but this is one of my priorities and I feel sleep is probably the most important . So I have taken the jeers from parents, professionals and friends who say I should just make him suck it up and get up and live like everybody else does with the demands of life. In My Humble Opinion  we don't live a typical life so in this world I need to decide what's best as a whole ....Sleep 

SLEEP because it gives him a part of his day where he is free of his AUTISM(I hope..I don't know for a fact),it rejuvenates the body and he has enough ailments without not giving his body the ability to rest and relax , yes he may miss out on a few opportunities like going to a program that "warehouses" him or an outing with others who have disabilities too...but this is his world and if I have anything to do with it I will protect what I think is right and take the criticism...for the most part it's worked well for him and it has made life tricky in some ways when it comes to arranging certain things but the over all picture is that it has made a higher quality of life and less  rif raft for the day....

I have one last closing thought ..everyone has to to do what's right for them and their situation...Dakota once slept 12 hours on and 12 hours off ..no naps and I was happy but worn out but still glad that he was sleeping that much..(know many who are lucky to get 3 or 4 hours with their kids on the spectrum) now he is older and on different meds so he doesn't sleep as much and his patterns have changed and they are patterned with the week days and weekends...he sleeps differently ...it's amazing to see how his own natural ability is to cater to his own needs..(usually much later on the weekends ) ..I am grateful and still sleep according to his schedule as I never know when I will need to react to a situation...

I encourage anyone to not listen to anyone. It their child and themselves and do what works for you..I will guarantee that you will all be happier ! Sweet Dreams

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