Well there are things that seem to be a bit better but boy when the "Shit hits the fan" it comes in buckets!!!
I am finding that there are bigger gaps in the occurance of the behaviors but the intensitiy seems worse. All of the being said its really a matter of keeping the right attitude and not giving in or up!
Thats what this post is about--We know that Autistic individuals are missing "the social chip" so they are always replicating what they see in others.It is absolutely imperative that you remember that the example you set will be the example to you see in your child-- I struggle with keeping my composure at all costs and believe me that is a feat!
When he "rages" it is all I can do to NOT REACT. I have decided that when these issues come up the worst thing I can do is model aggressive behavior back at him. These episodes seem seizure like which I have said before and I truly believe that he has no ability to control it or learn how to over come it. It seems more like he has to wait for it to pass. For that reason, I have to keep in mind that he does not need to spar with someone. Nor does he deserve some crazy maniac mother yelling to telling him to calm down or stop when he CANT! He needs some one to have their wits about them. Someone who will provide a safe environmant where he knows he is loved and protected and that its OK. That just because he is "off kilter" that he is not rejected or unloved by those who are caring for him.
To another end I also make a concerted effort in the rest of our world to be as
non-confrontationalas possible. For those of you who know me; know that this is a huge feat for me. I have a rather volatile relationship with my mother and I try not to display my frustration in front of my son because I know he will glom on to it. As well, my issues with Regional Center or the school districts and many other entities have created a "fighting spirit" in me but I have made a much more conscience effort to conduct business when he is not within earshot.It has become overwhelmingly obvious to me that when I talk about him or Autism or anything that has to do with his life he reacts. He is absolutely congnizant of what I am talking about and how I am handling it.AND he reacts usually in an undesirable way.
Its all a matter of what works in your home with your family and your child. Again this is just what I try to make work for us.
As you can tell these behaviors have consumed my journal recently. Only because thay have cropped up recently. I just cannot imagine how others deal with these things in their homes. I dont pretend to have answers I write because I hope it will help someone else get thru their issues.I write with the hope that someone can take something from me and make it easier in their world.
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