Words to live by---

These 3 things remain true to the "Journey of Autism". Anyone or everyone can advise you;

ULTIMATELY you MUST go with what you feel is right. "GO WITH YOUR GUT."

Once you have arrived at this decision; "NEVER GIVE UP"!

LASTLY "Ya Gotta do, what Ya Gotta do!"

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Looking for a Celebrity--ha ha

Well after the last entry this should be a no brainer!! I am constantly amazed at the cost of trying to entertain a family. I am all for things like movie night or game night which can be done with relatively no cost and a little effort  however having a not so typical kid kinda alters the ability to have a "normal" experience ,not to mention that most of the time a child with Autism often has selective  taste in what they want to involve themselves in   Sooooooooooooo When you have an activity that your child  will participate and have GOOD BEHAVIOR that tends to become a preferred  activity---{hope I'm making sense}

Which leads me to the next requset--- Is there any one out there who would be interested in "sponsering"  my guy so I can fill his world with the things that other kids get to do???-I know it sounds silly and there are probably many parents who  many think the same as me but honestly I just dont know how to do it--  I want him to go to baseball and basketball games, to movies like at the ElCapitan Theater,{a special place in Hollywood that premieres a lot of Disney stuff}  to see theater productions like Wicked or The Lion King, or watch a television show be taped or to stay a  nice hotel on the beach or in the mountains--

I dont know how families afford these things-- the mom and dads must work  exsessive hours and maybe more than one job to be able to provide these things for their kids --which poses the other question do they actually have the time to do these things??And when they have the time is it just easier to throw the money to the older kids and send them on their way because  Dad is so tired he wants to take a nap and read the newspaper and Moms manicure is more important than spending the one day off she has with her kids? I know I am getting sinacle and I am quite sure there are far more wonderful parents that live for their kids but sometimes I look around and wonder--

Perhaps that is why I often consider myself lucky to have the child I have-- the counterpoint to that is that he has no one elseand that is what bothers me the most who will ever know my child well enough to make his world  wonderful when I am gone? Another reason why i continue to search for solutions answers and  compromises to make his  world the best it can be!

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