Words to live by---

These 3 things remain true to the "Journey of Autism". Anyone or everyone can advise you;

ULTIMATELY you MUST go with what you feel is right. "GO WITH YOUR GUT."

Once you have arrived at this decision; "NEVER GIVE UP"!

LASTLY "Ya Gotta do, what Ya Gotta do!"

Monday, October 20, 2014

"Momma said there'd be Days like this"

Last  night as I was reading posts of FaceBook one of the parents posted what I think was not only the MOST appropriate  BUT WELL STATED comment about Autism in general:

Dear autism, we have had enough of you today, please go away. We are done with you. We are definitely breaking up. Please don't call or text. GOOD byyyeeeee!

The best break I have seen ...it gave me a chuckle but it also validated every day, every time I have just had enough..
I also recently learned that a close friend of mine has just started a journey of her own with the new job of caring for a family member who has dementia...She wrote me and said that it was challenging and some of the things that have happened were never in the realm of  what she ever imagined....."welcome to my world" 

I have made the observation that some people go through life virtually unscathed..no illness, no death, perfect kids and relationships and it's as if they are under some kind of lucky star...others can't seem to escape drama, maladies and constant turbulence in their lives...As I have gotten older one thing I have realized that almost everyone has at least ONE THING! One Wart, if you will! And we all learn to adjust, accept and deal. The bigger point is that USUALLY it is a passing thing it's a time you get through and then it is over. Autsim AINT THAT WAY! I think that is the most poignant observation.

Today was a day I needed that break up speech..simple and true. Dakota recently had a couple of weeks that were for lack of a better word challenging. I t frustrated me but more it affects me emotionally. For the most part I can pull myself up by the bootstraps and get on with life but when it just keeps coming back at you again and again, it wears you down. I must admit I have had more than a couple of days wiping tears that well up in my eyes because  nothing just goes right and I cannot blame Dakota it is NOT his fault. His life and structure are so ridgid and it shrinks his world...mine along with it. I don't worry about the consequences for me only for Dakota. He did not ask to be born  so it is my job as his mother to do everything in my power to give him the best I can offer him.

Many criticize and make remarks ...he's spoiled , you do everything for him, he's always by your side.YES that's right. I owe that to him, I owe him a decent life ad NO ONE ELSE WILL DO IT FOR HIM. As long as I am on this planet and breathing he will be my job. And I can only hope and pray that when I am no longer able to do it that some how some one will step up and TRY to continue  what I did.....
Never-the-less one thing that can not be taken from him is his memories.I hope that as rotten as some if the times we have had to deal with that he will always remember his Momma loved him and your always walk on hot coals for him...I owe him that much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,

I followed a link to your blog from the SoCal yahoo support group. Thank you for sharing your knowledge about local resources. I am a single Mom of a 9 y/o with Mod/Severe autism living in OC. Just want to say I know how one feels worn out at times & offering you a "cyber-hug" :)
