Imagine having a child that was non verbal or does not have enough language to tell you he is hungry, cold, hot or hurt. Imagine that the child can not tell you that they have a head or stomach ache. The child is sad, angry, frustrated, but doesn't know how to express it. Imagine talking to your child may not help him when he is having a behavior, tantrum, or is not complying because that is the only way he knows how to communicate. Imagine never knowing what your child is thinking or feeling. Imagine being out in public and people judging you on being a bad parent because they do not know or could not possibly understand one iota of how challenging your life is moment to moment. Imagine being lonely, having challenged friendships, marriages or not finding a mate because people "cant" or just don't want to deal. Now, imagine sending your child to school with people who cant possibly care about him as much as you do. Not knowing what is happening throughout the day because he cant tell you and you are not sure if you can rely on those who are left to look after and care for him to tell you. You probably cant.. Imagine being called at work because your child was itchy and took all their clothes off in public or was bullied because of his "differences" or coming home with unexplained bruises that never really get fully explained and you would not be able to verify one way or the other anyway. This child does not know how to make or keep friends and is also lonely. This is a common existence with special needs families. Sometimes not as severe. Sometimes much more significantly severe. Welcome to our worlds. Its super easy to judge from the outside looking in but no matter how much you know or think you have never walked in another persons shoes to experience exactly what that have or do. Whether you think you understand and even if you don't understand at all, try to be patient and supportive ...this applies to all people because you never know what challenges anyone is faced with.
This was taken from McClain special education advocacy page...she is one of the heros leading the charge on the unjust treatment and disregard for our children visiting Disneyland...I think it is very succinct and really makes you stop and think...
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