Words to live by---

These 3 things remain true to the "Journey of Autism". Anyone or everyone can advise you;

ULTIMATELY you MUST go with what you feel is right. "GO WITH YOUR GUT."

Once you have arrived at this decision; "NEVER GIVE UP"!

LASTLY "Ya Gotta do, what Ya Gotta do!"

Saturday, May 24, 2014

"Go with your Gut" mantra

 Recently there was a thread about meds and dosage on one of the Support groups I follow online....a discussion pursued as I sent a post urging the caregiver to consider a lower or slower dosage on a med that as prescribed or recommended. 
Well I ruffled a few feathers, no one was disrespectful but came back with "there is a reason why meds are prescribed the way they are and are calculated on need, weight,and occurance rates either to control,manage  or eliminate a medical issue"...WHICH I completely understand...
In the case of an antibiotic for an infection this makes sense. When we are talking about psycho- pharmaceuticals IMHO that is a different matter all together...not only are most of these anti psychotic drugs for adults,it still remains a guessing games to  what works for who and how it affects each individual.Add to that a large majority of our children do not talk or have language yet are far from able to describe what they are feeling or how something does or does not work for them. So it is our job or duty to decipher (just like having an infant) what we see, what causes reactions and what seems to work ...we are with these kids 24/7 for the most part and we see, feel and know them  better than anyone. A professional is many times "Book Smart" but not "Street Wise". They are good intentioned and are giving us their best knowledge and opinion BUT it is not the "gospel". Yes we must respect their professional knowledge AND we have to respect our own observations and feelings...hence "Go with your GUT"!
When a doctor gives me a script I know almost immediately whether it works or it is givingme trouble....with my child I JUST DONT KNOW!
I would error on the side of less than more especially when trying a new med.....

As a side note I have spoken many time about this but Dak to a med for many years and I was always being encouraged to increase the dose.I was told it couldn't possibly work and the amount was infantesimal with how big he was,I remained vigilant and knew he didn't need any more.What he got worked for him when I eliminated it I saw behavior and when I increased it I saw behavior ...

One last thing about Pharma and especially kids in school I strongly encourage you to restrain from informing those that work with your kids when you try new meds or change doses....it's the Power of suggestion thing.When they don't know,then it cannot become a reason for topic..ie "Oh  I could tell the new meds really made a difference" or "The meds seemed to cause strange behavior"

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