Words to live by---

These 3 things remain true to the "Journey of Autism". Anyone or everyone can advise you;

ULTIMATELY you MUST go with what you feel is right. "GO WITH YOUR GUT."

Once you have arrived at this decision; "NEVER GIVE UP"!

LASTLY "Ya Gotta do, what Ya Gotta do!"

Friday, August 15, 2014

Proprioceptive and Vestibular Interpretation

A Mom posted the other on on a web support group with a picture of her baby standing on flexed toes..(upright with toes folded back and full weight on them)and asking if any other parents have experienced the same...

This was my response....Our kids often seek relief from the crazy things that go on I their  brains and certainly physical aspects of our bodies  most especially when "contorted"will produce things like serotonin to calm the over activity. For instance head banging .
There far more subtle activities our kids will use and seek when needing relief form the static in their heads...

Two specific types of neurological behaviors are Proprioceptive and Vestibular.

Proprioceptive is a flexing or pressing  on joints to create relief from other Neuro pathways that are disturbing an individual...it is quite common that our kids will roll up in a blanket just as they swaddle babies in a nursery, they will get on a couch and dig underneath the cushions for the weight of the cushions to "ground "them ...you can and will see all kinds of actions that seem uncomfortable to a typical person yet it is as good if not better than taking an analgesic ....oh yes and standing on flexed toes or pressing their hands into and upward position so the wrist is flexed is also quite common...

Vestibular is spacial relationship..it is an explanation why our kids have such a tough time with standing in line or respecting personal space or even having exceptional boundaries for their own"space"......they are often restricted by their own bodies to seek and identify space...for instance my son cannot, will not, is unable to extend his arm to lift his elbow to do simple actions like combing or brushing his hair as well as brushing his teeth ...it's not that he is NOT AWARE  it is that his body just does not receive the proper signals to perform ...

These issues can be addressed with an Occupational Therapist and usually when our kids are younger they respond well and sometimes Improve...the repetitive programming will sometimes help however it is just a small part of challenges these kids deal with ..Many can have years of therapy but still are unable to improve...

Just another little bump in the road....

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Cocooning....quite common

Cocooning has been a term adopted for the better part of 20 years as a phenomena that people in general have a tendency to retreat to their homes and severely challenge their social skills..hmmmm sound to me like these people might have a little autism ..haha 

Ironically it is becoming all to common for parents and caregivers of Autistic individuals to realize that their lives, particularly  the social aspect are severely impacted simply because of Autism being a part of their homes...

I know it is a challenge for ANYONE to participate and be involved with all the activities and events that are  now happening......When you have kids with this particular disability it's almost impossible.
There are so many variables: first the general demands like therapies and Dr.s Appointments which are numerous, then the moods and behaviors: just about the time you think you are going to load up the car and go, your child has a rip snorting fit you are sweating , upset and know that if you take that kid anywhere he will probably continue ,then there's the dynamic of other family members siblings who have their own needs or a spouse that maybe doesn't participate,on top of all of this the emotional state you own mind is when it is over whelmed perhaps 80 % of the time......it won't do you any good if you are not "present". Lastly there are the attempt to go and participate with nothing but a big fail coming out of it...personally I can't tell you how many places I have gone   Spent time getting dressed and planning on an afternoon, only to get there and within the hour you're leaving because if it hasn't already happened you know that if you don't get out of there it won't be long!

Well anyway the purpose of this post is many of the people on the support groups on line have been recently expressing how they feel socially depressed and don't see any solutions,,,it's very true . I don't think I have any great advice, just observations.You  have to find a way to sanity.......if stealing a moment to literally smell the roses or go outside to take a deep breath and look at the blue sky and clouds works...Do It. If trying to meet someone somewhere and deal with everything that it takes to accomplish that ..then Do It. You just have to do what it takes to give you the most peace. living with Autism can be all consuming and if COCOONING brings to joy then Do It. Donot allow others opinions or expectations to rule you..do what's right for you, your child and your family!

Friday, August 1, 2014

" Triggers "

I have been wanting to write about "triggers " for awhile ...just haven't accumulated the necessary content .....

Triggers are exactly what they say....for Autism, it can be almost anything imagineable that is the onset of behavior and meltdowns.For instance.....those of us in the community refer to different things as possible "triggers" often never really knowing for sure because it is a great mystery and our kids just can't ,won't or don't tell us what caused them to go "sideways".

"Triggers"come in all kinds of forms and sources.They can be emotional, physical, psychological,environmental or sensory driven.Examples would be observing an argument  by others-emotional:a t-shirt with a tag poking their neck-physical: their brain not accepting a command to work a part of the body-psychological:a color or texture of carpet or walls-environmental and finally a noise..like a trash truck going by- sensory

There are hundreds if not thousands of these occurrences every day and many of our kids do develop a level of tolerance for most however almost every individual has a few that no matter how hard they try; they cannot handle it and will meltdown.

Its funny as a parent who is keenly aware of this, as most parents are, you try to be present and eliminate as many "triggers" as you can BUT there are always those that sneak up on you . They leave 
you confused and wondering for hours, days sometimes even weeks 
what the hell happened and why did our child go off like that...you analyze, pick a part try to identify and many times never come up with an answer.....other times I have what I call (open hand slapping my forehead) "wow I should have had a V-8" moment...all of a sudden it's like the light has come on and you completely know what it was that caused that meltdown .....You make a mental note and forever in the future you try with everything you have to avoid that "trigger"! Often we as parents and caregivers identify this "behavior"  as adopting a kind of autism;by osmosis. Another 
observation by many is  that you become "anal" when trying to 
avoid certain Situations or making certain environments identical in order to eliminate the meltdown.

One thing for sure most of the public or community don't get it or understand it.Once the individual explodes and is observed then it becomes apparent the need for a a routine or pattern.
Triggers are a tricky thing. Your child doesn't tell you "Oh That's Pissed me Off" or "the color bothers me"or "the noise is irritating" It's really a crazy feeling when you are constantly reviewing environments in order for your child to function "typically". Just another part of the job!