Words to live by---

These 3 things remain true to the "Journey of Autism". Anyone or everyone can advise you;

ULTIMATELY you MUST go with what you feel is right. "GO WITH YOUR GUT."

Once you have arrived at this decision; "NEVER GIVE UP"!

LASTLY "Ya Gotta do, what Ya Gotta do!"

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

DAN- Defeat Autism Now MY TAKE

DAN  or Defeat Autism Now  is a community within the community of autism ...that specifically addresses bio medical and holistic approaches to what many consider perhaps not a cure but a solution to addressing Autism. 
The theory is that most if not all symptoms of Autism are triggered not developementally but physiologically...that viruses,gluten,caffiene,cassien, yeast,gut issues, and allergic reactions are the root of behaviors. If treated aggressively you can eliminate or at least reduce significantly most of the behaviors and patterns autism is related too!

There is a huge population that have had or seen results with these types of treatments and swear that this is the answer. While I applaud their efforts and results I still believe that it's just not that simple and not all of our kids can be put in the "same box" . These parents have spent huge amounts of money, Time and effort  and have succeeded ....But after living in this community for 27 years there are many many children and adults who did not see the same results and continue to be fully involved individuals with
I would encourage any parent or caregiver starting out to investigate these therapies BUT not to be disappointed if they find that they didn't work for their child... 
The simple fact it take this position is that my child did not benefit from many of these  therapies...

I am not saying they are wrong and I am right what I am saying is Autism is still a confusing complicated disorder that has not yet been researched enough to say that one way works and another doesn't....and what I am saying is I have seen many many therapies come and go and they seem to help some , they seem to help many but they never help ALL!!!! Until that time when we have the scientific proof it's a crap shoot for all of us 
Finally what I have said over and over is that you NEVER GIVE UP and Go with YOUR GUT!!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Several Weeks Have Past!

Perhaps most who write a blog are those who either make a career of blogging or have another project to promote..so they are mostly daily or at least weekly blogs .......for my purposes it is more about relevant topics, thoughts I want to share or information that may assist someone who is still striving to figure things out in their world...

It has been more than 3 weeks since my last entry ; for many reasons and I am quite sure probably none of which anyone who is reading this really cares!I truly hope that those that do read are more interested I. The content rather than the quantity of the posts. All of that being said I have to admit that my blogging is driven by an event  or situation..and of course my ability to get to the computer and write....Done mostly in the middle of the night when Dakota has finally fallen asleep. Usually around 3 am

Recently he has has been unusually close and not away at all..I am not sure exactly what is driving this desire.I have about 8 hours a WEEK that he is not with me...very intense and very difficult to manage any personal time for anything much less delegate time to blog . I try to be conscientious to those who read , I certainly don't want to loose or put off people but I clearly want to write about things that are of interest to those who are walking this path. I also want it to be relevant enough to encourage those that do read to pass on to others ..because afterall it's not only about helping those who have their own stories and situations but it's also about helping community understand, embrace and tolerate our kids.

Finally not posting so regularly could be a positive thing in someways...at least this way you don't get sick of keeping up with all the posting and makes it more enjoyable when it's once in awhile..at least that's the way I think of it..

For the remainder of the year I will continue to mainly concentrate in specific traits , behaviors and issues Dakota has ..the purpose is two fold; help other recognize these "things" either in their own individuals or recognize these traits by individuals out in the community. 
And to memorialize his life so if the need arises there are "hints" to his personal map!
I hope to fill this blog with  joy and love . I strive to fill this blog with information and insight .