When holidays come around they are such a double edged --- theres the simple pleasure of the little fun things that holidays bring like the decoration or the funny cards then there is the realization that it is mostly what I make it and how will Dakota enjoy or celebrate these days when I am no longer here to "make things happen". Of course the simple answer is that I wont have any control or knowledge for that matter and it will be what it will be but as a parent I cannot help ponder the inevitable.
When we have typical kids; they grow and separate from us and they make it what they want it to be or what their "significant other" wants it to be. Our kids are not that lucky-- so few of them will ever have a partner and many will be lucky to have family or close friend who have some interest in providing a little glee in their lives---and with Autism most of the kids will not express delight but still expect the hoopla that generates it... Then the person who is trying will question if it is even worth doing any thing since the Autistic individual didn't re act to their efforts---Oh what a confusing mess--- really something only a Mom or Dad would understand . Or perhaps even think about.
Never the less everyday that we are here and every holiday that comes we will press on with the expressed intent that No matter what we are making memories---That is the most important of all . They can take away physical possessions but they cannot take away memories and one thing we know is that "OUR" kids do not forget!
So tomorrow there will be a little candy and a card, maybe a small present and a fun activity --- another memory shared! Happy Valentines Day !